3 Types Of Hearing Aids To Consider

Being unable to hear like you once did can be frustrating. Unfortunately, getting older comes with some unwanted hearing problems. One way for you to cope with this condition is by going to your ear doctor and discussing the various types of hearing aids that can help. Knowing what your options are for better hearing are sure to assist you with making the right choice and can be helpful in approving your quality of life.

Type #1: Behind-the-ear

This type of hearing device will sit entirely behind the ear. The parts of the hearing aid that help you hear better are in a plastic case that is attached to the back of the ear.  There is a clear tube that will connect the case to ear for easier wear.

Behind-the-ear hearing aids are typically chosen by people who have the most severe amount of hearing loss. The average cost of a basic hearing device of this type is $630.

Type #2: In-the-ear

If you have a milder case of hearing loss, you may opt for an in-the-ear hearing aid. This hearing device is attached to the outer part of the ear. One of the advantages of selecting this type is that it may not be as visible to other people as some of the different types of hearing devices. Additionally, you won't have to be concerned about an attachment resting on the outside of your ear area.

Type #3: In-the-canal

This type is typically selected by individuals who only have a mild case of hearing loss. These can set completely or only partly in the ear and are easy to wear because of the precise fit. When you visit your ear doctor to get an in-the-canal hearing device, these will be fitted exactly to your ear canal.

The price range for an in-the-canal hearing aid is vast. You can expect to pay anywhere from $150–$5,600 for this device. The range is price is based on several factors which include the brand you choose and what features you have added to your hearing aid.

Finally, being able to hear well can have a positive impact on your entire life. Communication is the key to successful business and personal relationships, as well. It's important to discuss what your individual hearing needs are with your medical provider, one like Audiologists Northwest, and then decide on the choice that will be the most advantageous to you in the long-term!
