Why You Have Sensitive Teeth And How You Can Deal With Them

Many people with sensitive teeth think it's just a natural part of who they are. But you don't have to put up with sensitive teeth. Even those with a lifelong problem of sensitivity can do things to mitigate that sensitive effect.

Why are Your Teeth Sensitive?

There's no one reason people have sensitive teeth. You may notice that some people have an aversion to cool air hitting their teeth, while someone else only feels the pain of sensitivity when biting into something sugary. Here are the most common reasons for sensitivity.

Worn enamel – This can come from brushing too hard, eating highly acidic foods, and drinking acidic drinks. This can also occur from things like grinding your teeth, using aggressive mouthwashes, and whitening agents. Plaque buildup will also weaken your enamel and cause sensitivity.

Infected gums and nerves – The support system for your teeth can also lead to sensitivity. Many of the same things that eat at your enamel can also eat at your gum line. They can also eventually expose your nerve, which takes the sensitivity up to another level. When your gums become inflamed, they expose the roots of your teeth, which leads to even more sensitivity.

From this, it's obvious there are many, many paths to sensitive teeth. Many of these things feed off each other. However, the best way to combat the onset of sensitivity is by practicing good flossing and brushing habits. Unfortunately, switching your habits today doesn't mean you won't have sensitive teeth tomorrow. Here's what you can do about it.

Dealing with Sensitive Teeth

There are quite a few things that you can do to help mitigate the sensitivity or outright eliminate it. But there's one thing you can do to help that far outweighs everything else.

See a dentist – This is important. No matter what you do, it's pointless without some professional guidance. Your sensitive teeth can be indicative of another problem that you must first deal with. You may need a tooth removed, a root canal, or some other dental procedure. Speak with your dentist and let him or her know about your sensitivity. Ask what you can do about it. No advice is as good as a professional's advice.

Don't do the things that lead to sensitive teeth – If you look at the above list of the causes for sensitive teeth, you should automatically see many of the things you can do to combat your sensitivity, including:

  • Avoid hard bristles and aggressive brushing
  • Remember to floss every day
  • Try toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth
  • Eat and drink acidic things in moderation
  • Look for neutral mouthwash or don't use any at all
  • Seek professional advice before trying whitening products
  • See a dentist regularly

It's that easy. Or that hard depending on your habits and tastes. For larger issues such as gum disease and teeth grinding, you will need the help of a professional. Don't assume that your sensitive teeth are just a thing that you have to learn to deal with. Instead, contact a local clinic like Red Cliffs Dental to find the best treatment for your teeth. 
