Recovery Time After A Facelift: How To Make The Most Of It

A facelift can help you look well rested and reduce many of the signs of aging that you may feel detract from your beauty. The procedure can be quite expensive, therefore it is imperative that you take care of yourself during the downtime after the surgery. Reaping the most benefits from your facelift requires following the instructions of your plastic surgeon faithfully.

Returning to Work

There are different types of facelifts, but in general, you can return to work in 10 to 14 days after the procedure. If your job is strenuous, your surgeon may recommend that you take a longer leave so that you can fully recover at home. It is important to avoid overexertion for at least a month and often up to 6 weeks.

Ways to Ensure that You Heal Well

The success of the facelift often depends on not only the surgeon's skills, but also on how well you take care of yourself during the recovery period. The tips that most surgeons recommend include:

  • Stay away from tobacco products and second-hand smoke. Indulging in this vice may slow your recovery time dramatically. It can also increase your risk of scarring and skin necrosis. Many plastic surgeons recommend that you refrain from smoking for a period before the surgery.
  • Avoid unprotected sun exposure. This can increase discoloration of the scars and prevent reduction of the swelling that is common with these procedures.
  • Don't overindulge in alcohol for several months after the surgery.
  • Avoid steam baths and saunas for a few months or until your doctor says it is okay. They can prolong the swelling.
  • Contact your plastic surgeon if you spot any signs of infection or the wounds don't seem to be healing as quickly as they should.

Physical Activity

It is vital that you avoid flexing your neck tissues for 7 days after the surgery. Keep your head elevated for at least 14 days after the procedure. Avoid bending down to pick up something you drop. Leave the object where it fell or ask someone to pick it up for you. Don't lift anything until your doctor says it is all right.  

A facelift can do wonders for your self-esteem and make you feel as if you have a new beginning. Take the time to care for your face and overall health during the recovery period. This ensures that the professional results are optimal and that they last a long time. For more information, visit
