PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder, is a serious disorder that can wreak havoc on your or your family's life. Although an estimated 13 million people have PTSD, most people do not fully understand this disorder. If you or a loved one have experienced a traumatic event, proper understanding of this condition is essential. Here are a few surprising facts about PTSD.
Symptoms Vary from Person to Person
One of the most surprising facts about PTSD is that symptoms can vary from person to person and there are no cut and dry symptoms that everyone with PTSD suffers from. Because of this, the disorder can be difficult to diagnose.
Common symptoms of PTSD include the following:
- Nightmares
- Flashbacks
- Difficulty sleeping/concentrating
- Isolation
- Depression
- Extreme irritation/anxiety
Again, not every person with post-traumatic stress disorder experiences the same symptoms. In most cases, the symptoms will be centered on the specific type of trauma.
Symptoms May Not Show for Years
Another surprising fact about PTSD is that symptoms may not show up for months or even years after the trauma occurred.
For example, individuals who fought in war may not show symptoms of PTSD until they have been home for a few months. A person who was abused as a child may not display the symptoms of PTSD until many years later or well into their adult years.
Remember that each person is different, so if you believe you have suffered trauma that is affecting your quality of life, consult a professional to learn more about PTSD.
Treatment Is Imperative
Many people believe if you are displaying symptoms of post-traumatic stress, you should just get over these feelings. You may have been told to "move on with your life" or "put it all away in your past." Unfortunately, PTSD is not something you can just "get over," so treatment is imperative.
Treating your or your loved one's PTSD will require a few steps. Working with a therapist is crucial, since they will be able to help you understand your trauma and how it is affecting your life today.
If your PTSD has caused depression or suicidal thoughts, you may require prescription medication, as well. Taking antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications will be recommended in addition to your therapy with a licensed counselor who has experience in post-traumatic stress.
PTSD is a serious condition that requires proper understanding and professional psychiatric care. This guide will help you understand the disorder in a bit more detail.