If you are facing an unwanted pregnancy, you may be considering taking the abortion pill — more formally known as mifepristone and misoprostol. This medication can be prescribed to women who are no more than 10 weeks along in their pregnancy, triggering what's known as a medical abortion. Taking the abortion pill is the right choice for many women, but it is still a big choice to make, so it is a choice you want to make based on solid facts, not misconceptions. So, with that in mind, take a look at these common misconceptions about the abortion pill.
#1: The abortion pill and emergency contraception are the same things.
Emergency contraception, also known as the morning-after pill, is often confused with the abortion pill. But they are two different medications with two different purposes. When taken soon after intercourse, the emergency contraception or morning-after pill can prevent pregnancy from occurring in the first place. The abortion pill is taken after pregnancy is actually established and causes the fetus to detach from the placenta.
#2: You have to take the abortion pill in a hospital.
Actually, one advantage of the abortion pill is that it can generally be taken in the privacy of your own home. You'll take the pill, or in some cases, two pills, and within several hours, you will begin to experience cramping and bleeding similar to a heavy period. This is not necessarily pleasant to go through, but going through it in your own home can help you feel more comfortable and at ease.
#3: You can take the abortion pill at different stages in different states.
It is true that different states have different regulations regarding how far along in pregnancy women are permitted to have an abortion. But in any state where a medical abortion is legal, you can only use the abortion pill in a pregnancy that is 10 weeks along or less. This is not for legal reasons; it's for safety and effectiveness reasons. If you are further along in pregnancy, the abortion pill is far less likely to work, and so patients are generally advised to pursue an in-clinic abortion, or a mechanical abortion, instead.
Hopefully, this article has given you some new and useful information about the abortion pill. This medication is commonly misunderstood, so if you have any remaining questions or concerns, reach out to your doctor or pharmacist.