The American Optometric Association recommends adults from 18-60 get an eye exam every two years unless recommended otherwise and then annually thereafter. It's been said the eyes are the window to the soul, but they can also give a glimpse to your overall health. Annual or biannual eye exams are important not only for your eye health, but also to check for potential systemic illnesses as well. Here are three different conditions that may be discovered by a regular eye exam with your optometrist.
One or more of your parents have gotten to the point where they are needing a little in-home healthcare. They are open to it, but you and your older sibling are having a major struggle with deciding the best course of action. Specifically, they are trying to boss you into accepting their care ideas. Here's how you can break that behavior and get your parents the care they need.
Siblings Often Clash On Senior Care For Many Reasons
Your ability to hear is one of the most important senses that you possess. Unfortunately, there are many people that will suffer from a gradual loss of their hearing ability. To correct this problem, you can opt to receive a hearing aid. However, these medical devices can be rather expensive, which will make it critical for you to ensure that you are taking good care of them. By using a few simple tips, you can help your hearing aid avoid some routine causes for performance issues or malfunctions.
A substantial percentage of the population, about 28 percent, has GERD or gastroesophageal reflux disease. That's about 64 million people in the US alone. While GERD symptoms can occur at any time of the day, many people report that their symptoms of heartburn, coughing, and regurgitation keep them awake at night. The reason why is simple. Lying flat allows stomach acid to flow back into the esophagus, which can make sleeping difficult for GERD sufferers.
If you have suddenly developed problems with your ears such as diminished hearing, pain, itching, or hearing unusual sounds, your medications may be to blame, While other things such as fluid in your ears, allergies, Ménière's disease, and chronic sinusitis can all cause ear abnormalities, medications, both prescription and over-the-counter, are also possibilities. Here are three medications that may cause unusual ear symptoms, and what you can do about them: