It's More Than Just Occupations: How Occupational Therapy Is More Clearly Defined

When you think of the word, "occupational," you think of things relating to holding a job. Therefore, you probably assume that occupational therapy is also therapy as it relates to your ability to do your job. That is actually only partly true. Occupational, in the sense of therapy, applies to more than just your employment for pay. Here is more on that: It Is Jobs, Plural When you go to an occupational therapist, you are first evaluated by the therapist for what you can and cannot do.

Stressed As An Air Traffic Controller? Energy Healing May Help

Anybody who has worked as an air traffic controller knows that their career is a very challenging one. Unfortunately, they may end up suffering from severe stress that can impact their health and their job. Thankfully, energy healing may help them manage this danger. Stress Is A Serious Life Danger Air traffic controlling is typically considered one of the top five most stressful jobs in the world. Having to watch so many airplanes, plot their paths, and ensure they don't hit each other causes a lot of stress that is hard to manage.

Three Tips For Your First Month With An Ostomy

Having an ostomy can save your life if you have a debilitating disease like colon cancer or colitis. However, getting used to having an ostomy can take some time. During your first month with an ostomy, you'll not only need to get used to caring for the site, but also overcome feelings of self-doubt and concern related to the way your body has changed. Follow the three tips below to help make this month easier.

4 Benefits Of Visiting A Walk-In Medical Clinic

Taking care of health issues as these arise is the key to feeling your best daily. One of the things you may want to strongly consider doing is visiting a medical clinic that doesn't require you to have an appointment. Being able to simply walk in and get treated is sure to be advantageous to you when you're not feeling well. Knowing some of the other benefits offered by this type of facility may encourage you to make a visit:

Dealing With Pneumonia In A Child

Are you concerned because your young child has a cold that doesn't seem to be getting better? You must understand that cold symptoms could actually point to your child having a condition that is more serious and difficult to treat without professional assistance. For example, it is possible that your child is suffering from pneumonia, which is a very serious illness that must be treated in the proper manner. If some of the other people in your household are starting to have cold symptoms as well, it is possible that they are also in the process of getting pneumonia.